Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm Back!!

Yes it has been a very loooongggggg time since I last posted here. I've been pretty neglectful of my Digi scrapping for awhile. There's just been so much going on in life that I could just never find the time to scrap. I am hoping now that I have made some changes in my life I will have more time for the things that I truly love. *^_^*
Well I am very excited to announce that we (my hubby & I) are expecting our 2nd bundle of joy Yay!! lol Due January 25, 2012
It was one of those big unexpectedly expecting type of situations. But we are excited none the less. Friends and family all pretty much had the same reaction "it's about time!" haha. Love them.

So to celebrate the news I made a page from a wonderful kit by (of course) Kristin Aagard called Pea in a pod.

(as of today I'm now 19wks 2days)

One more week and we will be able to know what we are having. Hubby of course wants another boy (surprise surprise *wink*) I have a big feeling that it's a girl but I don't mind either way. And when we ask David he says "it doesn't matter as long as they can play games with me" lol. He's going to be a great big brother.

Hopefully you'll be seeing more great pages from me very soon, and I'll also be posting about new kits from my favorite Digi designers. Happy Scrapping *^_^*